Command |
Description |
sv_name [name] |
Sets the name of the server. If no name is given, displays the current name. |
sv_public [boolean] |
Should the server be listed in the gamespy game lobby? If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_version [version] |
Changes the version to the specified version. If no version is given, displays the current version used. Use "sv_version table" to get a list of all the versions. Use "sv_version any" to allow any version to connect. |
sv_end_game |
End the current game and put the server in an idle state |
quit |
Shutdown the server |
sv_banlist_file [alphanumeric banlist file suffix] |
Sets and opens the file to be used for the player ban list. If no suffix is given, displayes the current file used. |
sv_afk_kickadmins [boolean] |
If true admins will also be kicked when inactive for too long. When false they will not be kicked. This is by default false so admins won't be kicked. If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_afk_minplayers [number of players] |
Specify the minimum number of players before afk kick is activated. If no value given, displays the current value. |
sv_afk_max [time (#)(d,h,m,s)] |
Specify how long a player is allowed to be AFK (unresponsive) until he is kicked. If no value is given, displays the current value. |
sv_ping_kickadmins [boolean] |
If true admins will also be kicked when having a high ping. When false they will not be kicked. This is by default false so admins won't be kicked. |
sv_ping_minplayers [number of players] |
Specify the minimum number of players that must be in the server before ping kick is activated. If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_ping_max [ping] |
Specify the maximum allowed ping on the server. If no value is given, displays the current value. |
sv_dump [compress] |
Generates a dump of the server that can be used to resolve bugs. When compress is false the dump will not the compressed. If not specified it will be compressed by default. |
sv_blockicmp [boolean] |
Configures if ICMP Destination Unreachable packets are passed to the halo server or blocked by Gandanur. Set to false to allow packets, and set to true to block ICMP packets. If no value is specified it shows the current setting. |
sv_remote [boolean] |
Enable or disable remote control. If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_remote_port [port] |
Set the port that remote control uses to accept incoming connections. If no port is given, displays the current port used. |
sv_stats boolean |
Enable or disable stats. If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_stats_key key |
Sets the key used to send stats. The key uniquely identifies all stats sent from your server. |
sv_rcon_password [password] |
Sets the password as a regular level 0 password that can be used by everyone. If no password is given, displays the current password. To disable the regular password execute sv_rcon_password "". |
sv_rcon_list |
Displays a list of all the rcon passwords that can be used. Use sv_rcon_del to delete a password. |
sv_rcon_add (rcon password) [level] |
Adds a rcon password that can execute all commands of <level> or higher. If no level is given, the rcon password will be added with level 0. |
sv_rcon_del (rcon password) |
Removes the rcon password. Use sv_rcon_list to list the current passwords. |
sv_admin_list |
Displays a list of all the admins of the server. Use sv_admin_del to remove an admin. |
sv_admin_add (cd key hash or player id) username password level [boolean: allow remote control] |
Adds the player as an admin to the server |
sv_admin_del (admin id) |
Removes the admin from the server. Use sv_admin_list to get the admin id. |
sv_log_enabled [boolean] |
Enables or disables server logging. If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_log_file [log file name] |
Sets the server log file name. If no name is given, displays the current log file name. |
sv_log_rotation_threshold [threshold in kilobytes] |
Sets the log rotation threshold. When a log file's size (in kilobytes) exceeds this number, it will be rotated. Set to 0 to disable log rotation. If no value is given, displays the current value. |
sv_log_echo_chat [boolean] |
Enables or disbles chat echo to the console. If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_dep_enable |
Executing this command enables Data Execution Prevention. This makes it harder for a malicious individual to execute arbitrary code on you server when the individual has found an exploit. Once enabled, it cannot be disabled. |
sv_cdkeycheck [boolean] |
Enables or disables CD key check and duplicate CD keys check. This is by default enabled. If not specified, displays the current value. IMPORTANT: Disabling cd key check is NOT recommended since ALL functionality based on the uniqueness of the cd key hashes (individual admins, aliases, etc) will give incorrect results!! |
Command |
Description |
sv_password [password] |
Sets the server password. If no password is given, displays the current password. |
sv_map map gametype |
Abort current game and mapcycle and start the specified game |
sv_mapvote [boolean] |
Enable or disable voting for the next map. If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_mapvote_list |
Displays the list of vote options |
sv_mapvote_add map "gametype" "description" |
Adds the option to the vote option list. The description is that text that will be shown during the mapvote. |
sv_mapvote_del index |
Removes the vote option from the list. Used sv_mapvote_list to get the index of a vote option. |
sv_mapvote_random [boolean] |
This affects the situation where there are players in the server but no one voted: If set to true, a random map will be chosen. If set to false, the server will stay on the current map and gametype. Note that when the server is empty a random map will always be chosen. |
sv_rtv [boolean] |
Enable to disable rock the vote. If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_rtv_needed [1-100] |
Percentage of players that need to rock the vote in order for the next vote to start. If no value is given, displays the current value. Also see sv_rtv_min. |
sv_mapcycle_begin |
Restart or begin playing the currently loaded mapcycle file |
sv_mapcycle_del index |
Removes the game at <index>. Will not affect the currently running mapcycle. |
sv_mapcycle_add map gametype |
Adds the specified game to the end of the mapcycle file. |
sv_mapcycle_timeout [1-60] |
Number of seconds to show the postgame carnage report. If no value is given, displays the current value. |
sv_timelimit ["-1" = default, "0" = infinite, <time in minutes>] |
Use to provide a global override for the gametype timelimit setting. If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_maxplayers [1-16] |
Sets the maximum number of players (between 1 and 16). If no value is given, displays the current value. |
sv_motd filename |
Sets the server message of the day file name. If no name is given, displays the current motd file name. Set to "" to turn motd off. |
sv_ipbanlist |
Displays a list of all the currently banned IPs and subnets. |
sv_ipban (subnet or IP) [duration] |
Bans a range of IP addresses for a specified time. The notation of a subnet is in the form or where n is between 0 and 32. Also handles missing components, eg. 192.168.1 is treated as You can also ban a single IP address and optionally include a duration of the ban. |
sv_ipunban (index or IP/subnet) |
Unbans the IP or subnet at the given index. Use sv_banlistip to find the index. Instead of using the index it's also possible to enter the subnet or IP, eg. sv_unban or sv_unban |
sv_ping_list |
Shows the time (in seconds) that a player's ping has been higher than the maximum allowed value. |
sv_ping_kick [boolean] |
Enable or disable kicking of players who have a high ping. If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_afk_list |
Shows how long the players currently in the server have been inactive. |
sv_afk_kick [boolean] |
Enable or disable kicking of inactive players. If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_tk_ban [count] |
The teamkill count needed until the player automatically gets banned. If no value is given, displays the current value. A players teamkill count increases by one when they kill a player from thier own team. Also see sv_tk_grace and sv_tk_cooldown. |
sv_single_flag_force_reset [boolean] |
Force the flag to reset in single flag CTF games when the timer expires, even if held by a player. If not specified, displays the current value. |
sv_friendly_fire ["0" = defaults, "1" = off, "2" = shields, "3" = on] |
Use to provide a global override for the gametype friendly fire setting. If no value is given, displays the current value. |
sv_tk_grace [time (#)(d,h,m,s)] |
Specify the grace period for teamkill during which you don't get a TK point. If no value is given, displays the current value. Also see sv_tk_colldown and sv_tk_ban. |
sv_tk_cooldown [time (#)(d,h,m,s)] |
Specify a teamkill count cooldown period, after which a players teamkill count is decreased by one. If no value is given, displays the current value. Type help duration for information on specifying a time. Also see sv_tk_ban and sv_tk_grace. |
sv_ban_penalty ["0"=infinite or duration (#)(d,h,m,s)] |
Specify up to 4 ban times for repeat ban/TK offenders. Type help duration for information on specifying a duration. |
sv_say message |
Send a message to users |
sv_players_more |
Displays additional information of each player (ip address and cd key hash) |
Command |
Description |
cls |
Clears console text from the screen |
sv_mapcycle |
Print the contents of the currently loaded mapcycle file |
sv_map_next |
Abort the current game and begin the next game in the mapcycle |
sv_map_reset |
Reset the current game |
sv_balance_teams |
Balances the teams so the number of players per team are fair. |
sv_players |
Displays a list of players in the current game |
sv_change_team (player id) |
Changes the team of the specified player. |
sv_kick (player id) |
Kicks the specified player from the server. Use sv_players to find the index. |
sv_banlist |
Displays a lists of all banned players |
sv_ban (player id) [duration (#)(d,h,m,s)] |
Player is kicked and added to the banlist. You can optionally specify a duration for a timed ban. If no value is given, the player is banned indefinitely. Use the value 0 to follow the sv_ban_panalty rules. Type help duration for information on specifying a duration. Use sv_players to find the id. |
sv_unban index |
Removes player at index in the banlist. Use sv_banlist to find the index. |
sv_banhash hash [player name] [duration (#)(d,h,m,s)] |
The specified hash is added to the banlist. You can optionally specify a name of the player. The optional third argument is a duration to specify a timed ban. If no value is given, the player is banned indefinitely. If no name is given, the name 'HASHBAN' will be used. |
sv_log_note message |
Leave a message in the server log |
Command |
Description |
sv_alias (player id or cd key hash) [count] |
Displays the nicknames used by a player on this server. Optionally you can limit it to only the first <count> nicknames. If no count is given it displays the 20 most common nicknames. Nicknames are order by use (most used are listed first). |
sv_unique |
Calculates the number of unique players that joined the server |
sv_gamelist [substring] |
Display a list of gametypes the server can run, matching an optional substring. |
sv_maplist [substring] |
Display a list of maps that the server can run, matching an optional substring. |
sv_status |
Shows the status of the server |
sv_os |
Displays detailed information about the OS that is running. |
help [topic or command] |
Displays help of the topic or the command |